Serving MD, VA, DC and PA
Long-Term Care
Long-Term Care insurance is used for Retirement planning and as an Employee Benefit.
This coverage is intended to be used in the event you need help caring for YOU. This may take place in your home, Adult Day Centers, Assisted Living or a Nursing Home. It does not matter how old you are because even accidents can create a need for this type of coverage.
Plans are issued according to the state you live in, your health and age. And, you will want to work with someone who understands and explains things like “Partnership” to you.
Long-Term Care may be purchased by individuals, couples and groups through employers. And, just like any other Life or Health product your information will be considered for approval. So, your money may pay for it but, as always, your health allows you to buy it. As a plan is created, we make choices on what items to cover, decide on values, amounts and time frames. Please be sure to work with someone who can explain these things AND has more than one provider to review for you. This is not a “one size fits all” topic.

Many Business owners see this coverage as a great benefit their business may provide for their family. If you worked really hard building a business you may also include Long Term Care in one of the wonderful things it can provide for your family. This is a discussion we have with all of our Business Owner clients.
The government site is
Please contact us for options and more information.