Serving MD, VA, DC and PA
Life Insurance
We sell every type of life insurance available and, because we work for you and NOT the carriers, have the ability to spreadsheet multiple companies at the same time. You’ll know you’re getting the lowest price and we make the comparison shopping easy.
Life insurance can be used for many different purposes. This why there are so many different types and as you can imagine carriers. When you purchase Life insurance you should speak to a person who will ask you the purpose of the coverage. This is the only way you can get assistance determining which product and carrier is right for you.
For example, you will have options that range from Whole Life or permanent, Term Life which is for a period of time, Universal Life that may have other options included or annuities typically used for investments. You will also want to talk about the reason for the coverage. This will include needs such as Key Person in a business, Family Protection, Mortgage Protection, Court Mandated or even just peace of mind. Life Insurance policies are sometimes used as investment vehicles, and may also be used as a platform to purchase Long Term Care. Whatever your reason for the interest, be sure the person you work with is interested in you.

Group Life insurance is sold and purchased differently than individual plans. If you have a need for Employee Benefits Please contact us to check availability and eligibility.
Educate yourself, go online, look around, Google your subject. Then, with a bit on knowledge speak to an expert and apply for what is appropriate for your needs.
Please remember that most Life insurance products are approved based on health and age. Verifying your health and personal information is called Underwriting. As you go through the process with your agent it will be important to give accurate information. This will allow us to find products that fit your situation and not waste your time.
MJG coverage has a wide variety of carriers to choose from. This is very important because we are able to provide the right product for our clients.