Serving MD, VA, DC and PA
Health Insurance
Health insurance for people under the age of 65 is purchased as one policy for you and/or your family, referred to as Individual. Although, there may be more than one person covered.
For Individuals, the state you live in will guide what is available to you and how it will work. You can find out what plans are offered and what rates seem to be running by looking online. When you are ready to purchase, MJG Coverage will not only send you the plans you are most interested in, but explain the differences and issues that may be most important to you. It does not cost you a penny more and you will have yet another interested party following up on your application process. We take your needs personally and we know that every client needs to stay within their own budget and price is only one piece of the puzzle. Why does this matter? Because, what’s right for you is important to us.

Group Health insurance through an employer may have different areas of concern. An employer is able to offer plans based out of the companies headquartered state. And, they are offered according to the number of employees. So, business owners work with local agents who are familiar with those products. MJG Coverage currently offers plans throughout Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and Pennsylvania.

Lastly, healthcare for people over the age of 65 is called Medicare. If you qualify for Medicare you will have several ways to supplement it or fill in the “gaps”. All of the qualifications, laws and rules are clearly noted at and are distributed at the appropriate times in many ways. If you are on or are approaching this need there will be Supplements, Advantage Plans, employer sponsored supplements and Prescription plans to consider. MJG always finds it easier to help our clients when they give advanced notice. There are specific times that are allotted to apply for certain programs. Do your research to be your best advocate.
If you need Dental, Vision or even International Travel coverage please don’t forget to ask. Or, you may visit our Supplemental Pages.
MJG Coverage has a wide variety of carriers to from which to choose. This is very important to allow us to provide the right products for our clients.
The Governments sites for more information are and