Serving MD, VA, DC and PA
Home Health Care Coverage
Now that Long Term Care insurance is a little pricier, we are finding there are some other products out there doing a great job at buffering the costs when people need help.
Most people want to get help in their own home and that can be expensive.
We believe some programs can be very helpful and provide money to help you if this is the case.
If this is a concern, please see our Kemper program brochure below.
Kemper has been in the game for over 55 years with over $8 billion in assets and over 6 million policy holders.
We include the Home Health Care, Prescription Drug indemnity, Home Hospice services, Vision, Hearing, Ambulance and In Hospital Private Duty Nurse benefits!!! All in one program. They pay regardless of any other coverage you have including Medicare.
Request your information, rates and application today. Just click on “Get a Quote” to the right and we will work with you to find an appropriate solution.